...because everything is funny when it's happening to someone else!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Whirlwind Tour of Everywhere

Back at Gilligan's Island tonight, after a very LONG day.

Tank and I left Mayberry at 9:00 this morning, picked up our baby friend from the caring home parents, then all of us made the trek back to the coast.  I took the little one to meet her new parents at their hotel.  It goes without saying that there is now a very happy, brand-new family in the world tonight!

After a brief detour at home, it was back to pick up the baby's birthmom and then a two-hour visit between the families.  The visit went really well, with everyone feeling very positive and a lot of love and respect between the parties.

Now, I'm finally home and halfway watching the Braves game that Shawn very thoughtfully recorded for me.

While in Mayberry, I decided to demo the master bath.  Cue the maniacal laughter, because boy, was THAT ever a joke!   I managed to get both sinks disconnected and out, along with one vanity, but the other vanity and the shower defeated me.  I figured out why when I saw the three-inch nails that the doggone things were attached with!  Holy cow...I was in there, just whaling away with a sledge hammer and it WAS NOT happening.  I'm really tired and my arms are sore, sore, sore.  And the most annoying part of all is that I wasn't as successful as I'd hoped.  Oh, well.  Rome wasn't built in a day and apparently the Taj isn't going to be remodeled in a day, either.

Here's a few photos, so you can share in the magic.  Or madness.

Partially demo'd second vanity

First vanity removed and cabinet demo underway

Overkill much??

Debris pile.  And a cheap fan because...damn.  It's hot.


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